Friday, July 30, 2010


Hello!  Welcome to my blog.  My name is Gina, and I am 31 years old.  I have been married for 3 wonderful years and we just welcomed our son into the world back in January.  He is 6 months old now and has been eating solid foods since he was about 4 1/2 months old.  When we were ready to start Connor on solids we didn't really want to give him store bought baby food.  I had been researching it and came to the conclusion that the best thing I could do for our son was to make his baby food at home.  This reduces the amount of additives/preservatives that are added to his food, making it healthier for him.  It also allows me to give him a wide variety of foods to try, and not be limited to what is on the shelf at the grocery store.  Another perk to making your own baby food is it is much cheaper.  I work full time and was worried if I would have enough time to make the food.  It actually takes no time at all.  It takes less time to make baby food purees than it does to cook our dinner!  The reason for my blog is simple:  I would love to share the foods/recipes that I make for my son with all mothers out there who are interested in making their children's babyfood for them.  Hopefully I can be one more source of information to help you figure out what is best for you. 

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