Sunday, August 1, 2010

Bananas And Avocado

Sounds gross?  Like a weird combination?  Well, I thought so too.  But in my research I have read that babies love Avocado and its good for them!  And what baby wouldn't love bananas?  I heard of combining the two, so I gave it a try and guess what!?  My son LOVES it!  Then again, Connor will eat anything so far that I put in front of him.  Today when he had it, he was all smiles. 

Avocado, among other things, is high in protein, fiber, and promotes heart health.  Avocado is a fruit, and you can serve them to your baby raw.  Bananas are high in potassium and sugar.  You can also serve bananas raw.  Now I made Bananas and Avocado by making each ingredient separately and then stirring them together.  You can do it either way. 

To make Avocado:
Cut the avocado lenthwise, twist to pull it apart and pull out the large pit.  Scoop out the flesh and mash it well.  Since I want a finer consistency, I actually put my avocado (and banana) in a processer and pureed it.  But definitely for older babies you can just mash it up.  Which makes it great if you are on the go, or out of town without equipment with you. 

To make Banana:
Peel bananas and cut into small pieces, mash well.  Again, I wanted a finer consistency so I tossed my chunks in a processor and pureed them. 

When going to serve your meal you find the consistency is still too thick, add a little breastmilk, water, or formula to thin it out.  Likewise, to thicken you can add a little rice cereal.

Bananas and Avocados will discolor.  Don't let this alarm you.  Once your baby is old enough (12 months), you can add a drop of lime or lemon juice to preserve color.  But discoloring doesn't effect the taste and doesn't mean they have gone bad.  I read that you shouldn't freeze avocados. But I believe the only reason for that is because they discolor.  Discoloring does not affect the taste and isn't harmful...and honestly, baby knows no different!

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