Thursday, August 5, 2010

Zucchinni And Apples

The past two days Connor has been having Zucchinni And Apples for dinner.  All I did was combine 2 tablespoons of each puree together.  The two purees almost look exactly alike....zucchini comes out a light green, and apples are a light yellow.

Connor had already tried apples awhile back.  I really am having so much fun making his food and then combining the different tastes together is even more fun! 

To make pureed apples (which is really Applesauce...I think I am no longer going to buy jar applesauce, I am just going to make my own!)

Wash and peel two apples.  Cut the apples into chunks and get out all the seeds.  Steam them for 8 minutes and then puree in a processor. 

Tomorrow Connor is going to try his first tropical fruit:  PAPAYA!

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