Monday, August 2, 2010


Today Connor tried Zucchini for the first time and loved it!  Zucchini among other things is very high in Vitamin C, potassium, and Vitamin A (betacarotene).  It promotes good heart health.  To make Zucchini for your little one do the following:

Get 1-3 zucchini (it depends on how much you want to make).  I always like to make more and freeze some for later.  So I made 3 zucchini and it made about 16 tablespoons.  I peeled the Zucchini, only to learn afterwards that you don't have to peel them because the skin is really soft (which you ca tell when you are peeling it).  The skin is rich in betacarotene, so you can leave it on.  I cut the Zucchini in about 1 inch slices and steamed them for about 8 minutes.  Then I just pureed them in a processor.  I didn't even need to add any water.  When I served them the next day to my son, I did add just a little bit of formula to thin it out a bit, but I think he would have been fine without. 

Tomorrow we are going to try Cream of Zucchini, and the next day I am going to try Zucchini with Apples.  He has already had apples.  As a rule of thumb, when trying something new, I always do it for 3 days to see if there is any kind of reaction to it.  Don't try more than one thing at a time because then if there was some sort of allergic reaction, you won't be able to tell what caused it. 

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